Note: If you want to receive order, pick-up, delivery & gift card confirmations, please list your email address instead of your phone number under Contact Information at check-out. We will no longer be sending these confirmations via phone/text.
Please note: We currently do not ship any gifts across the country at this time. Our flowers and gifts are for local pick-up or delivery.
A special selection of Kalona Chocolate's most popular chocolates. This gift box has something for everyone with milk chocolates & dark chocolates! 4 Piece Box:Includes tadpole (caramel + pecans), english toffee, sea...
A special selection of Kalona Chocolates most popular chocolates. This gift box has something for everyone with milk chocolates & dark chocolates! 15 Piece Box:Includes tadpoles (caramel + pecans), english toffee,...
Buy Local! Adorable chocolate covered Oreo cookies made locally by Kalona Chocolates. Each pack contains 2 Decorated Oreos - Choose from:1. Farm Animal Oreos2. Dog & Paw Print Oreos 3....
Choose size: Medium or Large Filled with candy, cookies, chocolate, chips, nuts and more! Pair a basket with balloons or a plushie stuffed animal for a unique gift. (Balloon shown in images...